Panel Discussion:

Studio Elementals Director Stefanie Adisa Theuretzbacher was a speaker at the Design Week Lagos 2023 panel “Designing a world for everyone”.

Moderated by Adeyemo Shokunbi, it lead an engaging discussion with esteemed speakers, Papa Omotayo and Chuka Ihonor alongside Stefanie, focusing on the importance of having meaningful conversations around rethinking architecture for sustainability, diving deep into sustainable architecture and exploring how it can shape a better world for all.

The panel touched on topics like materiality in Nigerian design, inclusivity and accessibility, challenges in Nigerias architectural education, and the power of prototyping to achieve suitable design solutions for the African market.

Photos by : Aduke Gomez

Collaboration with the Maker Community:

The Emerging Designers roundtable focuses on the importance of having meaningful conversations with designers to drive innovation and growth in the design industry. The event in collaboration with Design Week Lagos sat fourteen creatives interested in joing the conversation about smooth collaborations.

The round table was about how designers can collaborate with the Maker community, with Stefanie Adisa Theuretzbacher as designer from Studio Elementals and James Adisa as maker from Adisa Design Studio, moderated by Banke Ajagunna.

It was discussed what the barriers to adoption of mutual collaboration in the ecosystem are and how these might be overcome. It was also talked about how a design partnership can be deliberate to increase a successful outcome.

Tips were shared on how to navigate shared contracts where each party’s strengths are not necessarily dissimilar?

Collaboration tip from Stefanie Adisa Theuretzbacher:
“As creatives, collaboration has to be mutual – it is give and take. It is not a situation where once decides, and another executes”. 

This event was organised by Décor in Nigeria in collaboration with Design Week Lagos.

Photos By: @‌silmotion

Architecture and Product Design

On Wednesday 9th of September 2020, Studio Elementals Director, Stefanie Theuretzbacher was on a live chat with Olamide Udoma-Ejorh of LUDI. The conversation centered around our work at Studio Elementals.


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